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48 diet hollywood -

21-12-2016 à 07:47:21
48 diet hollywood
I ask because I wonder how you felt during treatment. I too, was diagnosed positive last week ( had a stool test confirm with same lab as you) and was prescribed the triple pack of antibiotics for 10 days and was told by my dr ( who had it himself, once) that it was very hard to erradicate. I did not test the toddlers but did test my teen and husband after treatment. Should I wait to get tested again to take the tea. pylori. Just want to make sure that do we need to take it for 30 days or 60 days as in your post above it says 30 dats but in your comments you mentioned 60 days. I have lived on probiotics and digestive enzymes since. Should I start the protocol prior to knowing. Hi imtested for h pylori and among other foods(mostly processed food),when i eat popcorn,i feel uneasy. I was diagnosed with H pylori positive, and was prescribed a course of Omeprazole 20mg, Metronidazole 500mg and Clarithromycin 500mg. I also take matula honey, probiotics and a cocktail of some other herbs such as cranberry, zinc, and licorice root for gut healing. Would love to know if the antibiotics help for your stubborn case. Bai Nishjarah S Baraguir you can buy mastic gum, from ur country its called Arab gum, iits the gum collected from trees. Pylori treatment and, surprisingly none of these were suggested. I would consult your doctor Dominica, but my guess is you should do one or the other not both. I use buckwheat flour for cakes, pancakes and bread and it works very well. I came across an article taking about mastic gum and thought it was just another online bluff, surprisingly, I decided to try it coz I saw it in one or two articles one article was in fact on NIH website and I trusted since it has some scientific citations. I had this infection and it nearly drove me mad. Hi Sara, The is many didderent kind of mastic gums. pylori gone. Hope I can find a company that does international shipping. It is kind of like a mild unsweetened green tea. Thank you for sharing, I have a diaphragm rupture and I cant live like this anymore, will this help me at all. I have been on three courses of antibiotics. If you have a naturopath in your area, I highly recommend speaking to them and see what can be done. DOCTOR Lusanda CAN AS WELL CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASE. pylori without damaging their bodies with antibiotics and proton-pump inhibitors. pylori have a 1-2% chance of getting stomach cancer. I had to put some raw honey in it for them and then they liked it. I have been diagnosed with H Pylori back in October November 2015, had the antibiotic course for couple of weeks. Paula Raices I tried several different probiotics over a period of years and I never detected any benefits. Will natural treatments as discussed throughout these discussions still work for someone who had had h pylori for many years. I am frightened to try the natural way but I am so sick of all these meds. Thank you Hollywood Homestead I started the protocol on Friday and now Sunday I feel so much better. Thank God Iv managed to eat some foods and have stayed around 155, I had weighed 170. I have read your blog and its quite useful. This proved that h. I have a family peacticioner who I go to to get my tests from, but aside from being able to use my insurance to get free lab work done, she is pretty useless in helping me. pylori. I did only the tea and not the gum as explained in the post. I bought Mastic Gum 500mg and had two capsules every night before bed for 30 days,no good results. I take PPI daily and it just does not seem to be working anymore. I totally get the resistance to alternative medicine. I am having Mastic Gum for 3 weeks and planning to get tested again. Do i treat have to treat my gut too or its all part of the symptoms of h pylori thing. I would either test them or go ahead and treat them and test afterwards. I picked up the AOR Mastric Chios (Mastric Gum) today. The reason is because bacteria has become resistant to antibiotics. Thanks for sharing this positive experince with us. Myrtaceae (related to spices like allspice, guava, and clove). I was also overly dependent on anti acids and it became so severe when I did not use them. PS- make your own buckwheat cookies and try almond or rice milk. I have been doing natural medicine for many years and was hesitant to take the antibiotic but I went ahead and filled the prescription. Since raw honey is chock full of healthy gut probiotics, it was a win-win (where to buy raw honey ). I think I might have H. thanks. This gnawing pain used to come at night and I would wake up drink 3- 4 glasses of water or take anti acids. I have recently been diagnosed with H. It can make you feel like you cant be botherd to do much, get depressed, and cause brain fog. Has anyone heard of using ozonated olive oil to treat H Pylori. She wrote me a script (which I did not get filled) for 2 antibiotics and Omeprazole. That is when a study called Mastic Gum Kills Helicobacter pylori was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. This morning I took the Omeprazole, as directed, and 2 hours later had diffculty breathing, weird sensation on the roof of my mouth, and difficulty focusing. If not, look into a forwarding service like MyUS or Shop and Ship. I would start with one treatment and if necessary to retreat (if you have an agressive case) and you want to give the second treatment a try then move on to that. Thanks Sylvie for sharing. Brandon Krieger up to you and your doc (I tested before starting the protocol, but I treated the rest of my family without testing because of the high likelihood that they had it). You may want to consider a H pylori test using a stool sample. Well, all that ammonia neutralizes the gastric juices around the h. You could also take the test on monday and go ahead and start the protocol. I was stunned by how quickly I saw improvments. Gut stuff showing up on the skin is very very common. Weight gain, hormonal issues, hair falling out, IBS and intense bloating after eating any food, fatigue. Thanks so much for posting this. For many years we reported on the adventures of Zsa Zsa, her troubled daughter Francesca, and her assortment of husbands. Meryem Mouhid Hi Meryem, it is getting better. I did mastic gum and bought the best probiotic I could find. I feel I have all the symptoms that are explained and it is so painful. pylori, is a type of bacteria which resides in our stomach. You should always check with your doctor but I think 30min-1 hour before meals would be great. I picked up the AOR Mastric Chios (Mastric Gum) today. As far back as the Greek Empire, mastic gum was used to treat ulcers. Please go see a doctor Janie for your ulcer. I was just diagnosed with it as well along with adrenal fatigue. Week 1: 1000mg of mastic gum daily on an empty stomach. I also take 3 meds for heart disease including asprin (yes I know bleeding) and as I have ulcerative colitis (in remisson) I have to take a form of asacol for the rest of my life. pylori can be transmitted from oral-to-oral contact (such as from contaminated food). Finished my 7 day course treatment and 4 weeks later i had another test which seemed to only fall by 200. I have been having some digestion issues lately ever since I lost 15 pounds recently in 3 weeks. My question to you: were you one of the lucky few of us with symptoms beforehand. Numerous studies now even show that taking antibiotics can increase incidence of gut-related diseases. I had taken two antibiotics and omeprazole for one week to treat helicobacter pylori but the symptoms became worst. Meantime i have been using mastic gum for 1 month and some herbs, vegetables as part of eradicating. A breath test or a stool test is much more reliable, certainly after treatment for H pylori. Remember how we said that h. According to the National Cancer Institute SEER Program, nearly 11 thousand people will have died of gastric cancer in 2013. pylori naturally in a few ways. pylori bacteria in your stomach wearing away at the mucus, a healthy gut could still repair the mucus before any real damage is done. Take a daily drink of unsweetened almond milk, with 2 mgs each of organic tumeric and ginger along with coconut oil, pepper and Spirulena. Fran Drescher looks quite happy, walking out of Barneys in Beverly Hills with a new man. His response, I should have recommended you take a probiotic along with the antibiotics. Was diagnosed with gastritis after an endoscopy andhave been on many triple therapies since then. Both mastic gum and Matula tea are good options for people who want to get rid of h. I waited a couple of weeks after finishing the protocol to retest just to let things settle (and not have a false negative). pylori was all over the gastric mucus of the inflamed samples. Bai Nishjarah S Baraguir I believe the matula tea company will ship there. Considering asking our doctor for a celiac test and H Pylori test for my 5 year old who seems to have reflux and now low iron as well. pylori secretes enzymes to reduce stomach acid, and that is what allows them to thrive. Can you tell me if I can re-test immediately after I am done with the tea. This oil also helps with headaches and colds. And I did it without any antibiotics or regimens of pills or medicines. I have given up gluten which helps a bit but now think starch is a problem. Pylori. Pylori is very tough and resilient. I have been struggling with Helicobacter since October 2015. How can i get mastic gum and matula herbal in riyadh ksa. Drinking Matula tea is literally all I did to cure my h. Thanks and God bless you as you reply this comment. Above, our favorite duck appeared at an Aflac holiday charity event. I also have heard of people curing it with cabbage juice. I read that Mastic Gum kills good bacteria as well, so I am hesitant to try it. diff to happen again. For starters, proton-pump inhibitors block stomach acid formation. I would ask your doc what time frame they recommend retesting in for you to be sure. Shady, have you noticed whether the kefir (or other ferments) makes it worse or not. difficle infection and found out that I have H. My husband has h pylori and Is taking antiotics now. Ive been suffering from acid reflux ever since. Please have him see a doctor to get tested. As with any protocol, I recommend you seek the guidance of your naturopathic doctor before starting your treatment. Please consult a naturopathic doctor if you suspect you may have h. For starters, like with the mastic gum, some of these herbs have antibacterial properties which can kill h. They are making me feel awful and they give me horrible diaharrea. Why Fecal Transplant is the New Frontier in IBS Treatment - November 30, 2016. Michael Durrant Michael Durrant I really appreciate that. Please go see a doctor Janie for your ulcer. He found that h. hope this was helpful. Britney Spears is following in the footsteps of Tom Cruise and Lady Gaga by AUDITIONING for boyfriends. The Little-Known IBS Treatment which Actually Works - November 9, 2016. I bought mastic gum to try if I would see the difference and I was surprised, for 6 months now I have not been having the problem at all. Yes, I know it sounds weird, but there is actually urea (like found in urine) in gastric juices. pylori damages the mucus lining of the stomach and duodenum. But I want to emphasize that these treatments are going to work a lot better if you are taking care of your gut. So did you buy a separate case for EACH family member. pylori. pylori I had antibiotics but responded severely to them although it made h. Well, antibiotics are also going to kill off the good bacteria in your stomach. we all respond differently,so what may work for one person may not work for another. But the antibiotics should take care of the h. Here are my before and after stool tests. The most common theory is that h. you need to compliment the treatment with beter balanced food as well. Could He still take The mastic gum and tea. I have a family peacticioner who I go to to get my tests from, but aside from being able to use my insurance to get free lab work done, she is pretty useless in helping me. I bought pylera from France because it is not licensed in Uk. Just purchased matula tea, hope it cures the H. You could also take the test on monday and go ahead and start the protocol. I bought my matula tea a long time ago a year or two ago, am very worried of always trying new form of meds so my question is there anything i should be worried about when taking the te. pylori for over 100 years. 6 doctors later, they detected h pylori, reading was something like 3000. The latter is what I did with my family (with the matula tea). I can now comfortably sleep or when am awake I dont feel the gnawing pain any more. I have the Matula Tea on my counter along with Pylori Plex(Mastic gum). I am now taking another course of treatment. I would start with one treatment and if necessary to retreat (if you have an agressive case) and you want to give the second treatment a try then move on to that. Bai Nishjarah S Baraguir I believe the matula tea company will ship there. pylori bacteria release an enzyme called urease. Even if you do have bad h. pylori that I found. Hi Sylvie, I have tested positive for SIBO and am waiting for my blood test results for h. The doctor prescribed me antibiotics which I am taking now. I also have a cronic pain disorder, Fibro along with Gastritis and other gut problems. I just have one question if yo can answer it please. pilory. Remember when doctors used to think that ulcers came from stress and bad diet. pylori has been identified as the main cause of gastric cancer (even before causes like smoking). Can i use that gum and tea which you recommended in this sitation. I went to the doctors to try to get the H. I want to use the Matula tea but how can i buy it i am leaving in a very back word area of pakistan. Pylori is very tough and resilient. If you retest, make sure you follow the prep instructions closely (As to what meds to avoid beforehand etc) to ensure as accurate results as possible. If you do go the antibiotic route for this or anything else make sure to include a dose of therapeutic grade probiotics like Prescript Assist alongside it. In the 1970s, an Australian pathologist named Robin Warren was looking at samples of inflamed stomach tissue. The relief will likely not be as instant as if you were treating symptoms alone but longer lasting and more effective in the long term. Also do I absolutely have to do the Paleo diet in order for the tea to work. Just had to let you know how much I like your writing. Hollywood Homestead kefir is doing good till now. Who tested you for the H Pylori was it a homeopathic doctor or traditional PCP. They made me so sick, i had to call my sister from 60 miles away to come and stay with me because the medication made me so weak. Please read it and click the links to find the sites. I was on the antibiotic regime until I developed an allergy and had to stop. Latest posts by Sylvie McCracken ( see all ). Pylori blood test and the labs are not going to be open until Monday and it takes up to 3 weeks to get the results. Serveral trips to the emergency room and two hospital stays (lost 30 lbs in one month). Hello Sylvie, would it be better to take gum and tea together. Greetings to the general public,I am from Philadelphia,i want to inform the public how i was cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a Doctor called Lusanda.

Thank you Hollywood Homestead I started the protocol on Friday and now Sunday I feel so much better. Now, keep in mind that the stomach is a very acidic environment. Doctor prescribed anti biotics and antacids worked well. A breath test or a stool test is much more reliable, certainly after treatment for H pylori. I decided to do some research online for a natural way to kill it. The rest will have symptoms like stomachache, belching, indigestion, bloating, and other symptoms of stomach inflammation. Would the tea be better for someone in my situation. Matula tea also helps your stomach lining heal by stopping bleeding and regulating gastric acidic production. We thought Justin Bieber looked awful in his summer apparel (baseball cap, baggy shorts) but his winter look is equally offensive. Than I went to another doctor last year because i had the same problem again. I went to the doctors to try to get the H. I just started taking H-PLR (K-32) herbs from Apex energetics. I just managed to beat a C. Every time we see the Aflac duck commercial we fall in love all over again. Or He has to wait to finish The antibiotics to start The natural remedy. I waited a couple of weeks after finishing the protocol to retest just to let things settle (and not have a false negative). The 2 remedies I recommend are linked in the post above. It was a naturopath that ordered the tests. Vince Vaughn looks like such a happy dad here. Looking forward to reading your other articles, for the pleasure of reading your writing, and learning more helpful info. We drank 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup nightly on an empty stomach each time for the 30 days that it took to finish the case. The only good thing about his get-up is the white shirt. pylori causes about 80% of ulcers in the stomach and 90% of ulcers in the duodenum. I have not tried this method, so I cannot personally testify to how well it works. If not, look into a forwarding service like MyUS or Shop and Ship. Proton-pump inhibitors are drugs which reduce gastric acid formation (over-the-counter stuff like Prilosec). Both stop acid stomach within a few mins. Stopped taking the apple cider vinegar and all the symptopms are back. Do you think it might be helpful also for other kind of bacteria beside the Helicobacter Pylori, like for instance, the Candida Albicans. Along with two antibiotics (usually clarithromycin and amoxicillin), doctors will also give a proton-pump inhibitor. I detailed most of that in the post above. It has a rod-like, helix shape (see photo below) which allows it to burrow deep into the lining. Thank you so much for posting this info on H. Well, those factors are definitely not good for your gut. pylori. With this in mind, here is the recommended mastic gum dosage for h. After struggling for years with a full body fungal infestation that included constant itching, hair loss and skin eruptions, after just three days of taking two capsules twice a day, the symptoms had reduced by at least 90%. For me the matula tea was incredibly easy as I mention in detail in the post. I totally get the resistance to alternative medicine. When my stomach is bad I rub home-made ginger oil on it before bed. I have come straight home to find out if there was a natural cure for this and came across your website. The proof is in the poop. I had H Pylori 3 years ago and did the first round antibiotics and it was still present. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. Shiva sued Gawker, but it was AFTER Hulk Hogan won his suit against the site and bankrupted them, so it made no sense. I also should say I stayed on a clean diet and stayed away from any foods that would cause my stomach to be inflamed like dairy, acidic or spicy foods. I was wondering if I do the protocol of Mastic Gum without being tested would that cause any ill effects. I think I am going to give it to my whole family as will. I have been battling gastric discomfort for nearly 7 years now with no hope in sight. Not shocking considering the majority of docs are quite trigger happy when it comes to prescribing antibiotics. You are a wonderful writer: your writing is clear, concise,, info-packed, and good- natured and cheerful. Normally, your body would send immune cells to attack and kill bacterial invaders. I avoid sugar, using only organic maple syrup. pylori before they go haywire in the now low-acid environment of your stomach, right. Thanks. I have been positive with H pylori since 2009. A friend of mine, who is also a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, eradicated h. (plenty of BS out there) wink emoticon I honestly raised my eyebrows when my doc first mentioned tea as I was readily expecting to need hardcore antibiotics. You may want to consider a H pylori test using a stool sample. I have had two month long treatments of Matula tea, and H. Matula tea is actually made of up five different herbs. But the puffy fur jacket with the hood just makes you wonder how many animals were killed to make Justin happy. Since I usually drink unsweetened tea and coffee, I found it quite pleasant. Her husband claimed to be the inventor of email, a claim that was contested by some, among them the Gawker site. However, it has gotten a lot of attention as a natural cure for h. For me the matula tea was incredibly easy as I mention in detail in the post. I think both simultaneously might be too much. And all my symptoms came back. To survive in the acidity, h. I found your blog 2 nights ago and ordered the tea immediately. Zsa Zsa Gabor has passed away at the age of 99. After a while I decided to ignore the pains and live with it until recently when I noticed the pains I have on the left side of my navel has travelled to the right side. Hollywood Homestead kefir is doing good till now. you need to compliment the treatment with beter balanced food as well. Researchers have known about h. I wrote a whole series about it here if you want to read more about that. Once i started having my food with rice, sweets,etc. The fact that h. pylori bacteria did cause stomach irritation. please help me for buying Matual tea. This means refined sugars, wheat (gluten) and processed foods. Pylori. Pylori is still detected. Then I also contacted Dr Zuma and I am now here to testify that am no more a cancer patient, I have experience a total transformation in my health after using Dr Zuma Herbal medicine. Thank you for these posts, very helpful and informative x. It had obviously been ostentatious at one time but had become rather run down and shabby. They also recommended other plants like Garlic, green tea and broccoli. pylori causes inflammation is also likely to be a factor. Considering that sanitation has improved so much in developed countries, they also guess that h. (plenty of BS out there) wink emoticon I honestly raised my eyebrows when my doc first mentioned tea as I was readily expecting to need hardcore antibiotics. Britney was immediately attracted to the bodybuilder and hired him to play her love interest. pylori. I bought it from a Health and Beauty shop. Sometimes his adventures are a little jarring and we worry about his safety. Mansour I have those same problems and have gall bladder issues. The second time around I had my husband do it too. I was retested a month later and it was gone. Anyway, Fran is on the prowl again and seems to be doing all right. I came across an article that recommended you take a lot of water and somehow it used to treat it but it would recur the next day. My kids are 7 and 9 yrs old, do I need to get them tested and my wife. In stores, you might find it under the name Arabic gum. Shady, have you noticed whether the kefir (or other ferments) makes it worse or not. If you have acid reflux, GERD or hearburn, The 30 Day Heartburn Solution will show you how to treat it naturally. Pylori. I have had two antibiotic treatments so far. How can i get mastic gum and matula herbal in riyadh ksa. H. He will have to treat the H Pylori to get rid of it. When your gut is healthy, it will be in a much better position to fight off h. Mastic gum (which you can buy here ) is a resin from the pistachio tree. Would love to know if the antibiotics help for your stubborn case. Today, researchers know that h. My online research on alternative treatment for gastritis and H Pylori led me to your blog. pylori(Endoscopy test). I forgot once or twice but really tried to stay on top of it as much as possible. Do they all need to get tested and treated. You need to ask your doctor to be tested. pylori and heal itself of the damage that was caused. Meryem Mouhid Hi Meryem, it is getting better. She examined photos and interviewed all the guys who appealed to her for her saucy latest video Slumber Party. A blood test can show a false positive after the H pylori is eradicated because of antigens still in the blood. Brandon Krieger up to you and your doc (I tested before starting the protocol, but I treated the rest of my family without testing because of the high likelihood that they had it). pylori using this treatment. pylori and there is no shortage of evidence showing that it is effective. For a 5 year old, can the mastic gum capsules be opened and poured into a liquid. Mastic gum made me nauseaous so I would love to try the tea. pylori. I would consult your doctor Dominica, but my guess is you should do one or the other not both. Please consult with your naturopathic doctor to see which of these treatments is right for you. They work together to fight h. Would the gum or tea help with GERDS as well. Pylori blood test and the labs are not going to be open until Monday and it takes up to 3 weeks to get the results. If you retest, make sure you follow the prep instructions closely (As to what meds to avoid beforehand etc) to ensure as accurate results as possible. To be specific, it is found in the mucus lining of the stomach and duodenum, but can also adhere to the cells lining the stomach. I tried to cope with the sides effects from the first dose, but when I had a second doze I felt terrible and was very sick. Vince plays a stern army officer in Hacksaw Ridge and his hair is barely grown back from having a bald head for Brawl in Cell Block 99 in which he plays a desperate drug dealer. Helicobacter pylori, aka h. I am SO grateful to you and I am SO excited to get started. A blood test can show a false positive after the H pylori is eradicated because of antigens still in the blood. Great article and and found it in the nick of time. Bai Nishjarah S Baraguir you can buy mastic gum, from ur country its called Arab gum, iits the gum collected from trees. I have a husband, 2 year old and a daily nanny (with two kids at home herself) in my household. Since damaged cells have to replicate more frequently, they also are more likely to get cancerous mutations. I have just come from my GP surgery having been told I have H Pylori after having blood tests a few weeks ago. This has been a battle for sure, please tell me if I should continue. I felt AWFUL on the antibiotics and wanted to try a natural way. pylori. Dear Sylvie, I have been diagnosed with H. Did an endscope and the doctor found nothing. When they finally did, Marshall actually swallowed a sample of the bacteria to prove it caused ulcers. Its important to research more and get tested first before trying to treat this bacteria. Yes, except for the toddlers they did half a dose. I am going to fiish my anti biotics in 5 days. Are the matula and Mastic safe when breastfeeding. I am so appreciative of those like myself who I managed to eradicate Hpylori. Once i went for a treatment to the Doctor,,,Medicin and a lot of money. I am taking 3 anti biotics for H. I would like to try both methods but I an in Qatar. I too have had Hpylori for about 3 and have tried the antibiotics. Booked for a tonsilectomy thinking the problem was tonsils. My question is this: I just had test done and the stool test said I did not have HPylori but the endoscope said I did. Without this protective mucus layer, the acid from the stomach can damage its own cells. Sylvie McCracken is a former celebrity assistant in Hollywood turned full time entrepreneur currently living in Ashland, Oregon with her husband and 3 kids. Good bacteria found in probiotics are essential for reducing inflammation and maintaining the health of your stomach lining. Warren and his partner Barry Marshall had trouble isolating the bacteria. Pylori, I have all the symptoms from what has been mentioned. Thank you for this advice, I will get the tea for my husband, and i will have some as well. Oz and The Daily Mail are behind this one. Week 2: 2000mg of mastic gum daily, divided into two dosages taken on an empty stomach (take in the morning and afternoon). According to a study in Clinical Microbiology, people with h. Week 3: 3000mg of mastic gum daily, divided into three dosages taken on an empty stomach (morning, afternoon, and evening). If the bacteria is still present I will order the tea and matic gum. 1-2% will get stomach cancer. I am hoping that treating the H Pylori will help with healing the adrenals. but I stay away from a lot of things now, eat avocados, turkey, boiled eggs, and occasional wheat bread, would it hurt if I took a digestive enzyme. I tried all the combinations of antibiotics, i never managed to finish them. The first time I had h. I am pregnant now, and i have found that i have h. I just finished the second treatment and some of my symptoms are coming back again. pylori bacteria so they can thrive. Later studies confirmed that mastic gum has antibacterial properties. I appreciate reading about your success with the tea. I had taken the vegetarian Mastic Gum capsules that has white and light green colour. The relief will likely not be as instant as if you were treating symptoms alone but longer lasting and more effective in the long term. Eventhough, i was feeling weak, i started looking on the net for another alternative I heard about Mastika before, but have not tried it. Got prescription pills and symptoms came back stronger. The researchers found that even small amounts of mastic gum (1 g per day over a course of 2 weeks) could cure ulcers and kill h. Mansour I have those same problems and have gall bladder issues. I will say when I went back the second time the doctor asked how did you get rid of this, I told him what I had tried. I feel I have all the symptoms that are explained and it is so painful. About 10-20% of people will get a peptic ulcer. Trying to get into a gastroenterologist has been a pain. I do not want antibiotics because that will just allow the C. Michael Durrant Michael Durrant I really appreciate that. Should I start the protocol prior to knowing. hope this was helpful.

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48 diet hollywood

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