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Red pandas diet -

21-12-2016 à 08:14:26
Red pandas diet
They are getting bigger and bigger every day. Just take a moment to admire these adorable little paws. We have seen Lun Lun initiate and the cubs reciprocate in play behaviors. We also clean and disinfect floors, sinks, door handles, light switches, desks, cabinets, refrigerators, and any other possible surface multiple times per day to reduce the risk of spreading germs into the nursery. m. And the good news is the cubs are thriving. When the time comes, they will be here to provide us with their expertise in early cub rearing and twin care. All of our cubs have had white heels, but the patches usually diminish as they age. Anytime something new happens, even if Lun Lun initiates it herself, it takes her a few days to adjust and feel comfortable. We also set up a laptop back there so the keepers taking care of Yang and the twins have the ability to get their paperwork done. Our wonderful Chinese colleagues from the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding have arrived to assist us as usual. Each girl has her own favorite sleeping place. In just 12 short hours they have gotten bigger and darker, slowly looking more and more like pandas (and less like naked mole rats). Today we enjoyed a big laugh when I offered her a piece of bamboo, and she threw it away and looked at me for a biscuit. They spend a good amount of time making themselves comfortable, rolling this way and that. Sam and took all his biscuits from the vet. The cubs are still drinking all of the milk that they need and gaining weight steadily. Lun Lun is eating so well that she is already back to her pre-birth weight of 105 kilograms. Sam, to come play with Yang since he had never seen this side of Yang Yang. Our male panda was all excited and had been playing with us keepers for quite some time before Dr. We nursery keepers are also currently controlling PandaCam. Sometimes Lun Lun is more hungry than other times and it may take her a bit longer because she is eating so well. You may begin to see Lun setting the cubs down in the hay for a little time while she goes to get a drink or something to eat, or maybe just to rest in one of her favorite positions. Cub B got even louder, but Lun held her ground. The panda house, an indoor viewing area, is open to visitors from 9 a. I do not describe the work we do each shift to complain. They are settling into their new routine and their temporary life in the U. They have been nursing well and gaining weight well. There are some interesting similarities between our newest panda cubs and their older sisters, Mei Lun and Mei Huan. She will also somersault into a sleeping position, which is something that we only see during hormonal changes. I take care of Lun Lun and the cubs in the wee hours when most of the world is asleep. and I added frozen biscuit balls that the keepers make from the leftover powder of leaf-eater biscuits into their diets. We do monitor her closely, but at any given time, we are doing any number of the tasks as I referenced above (or forgot to mention). Please note: Cub viewing is not guaranteed. This flexible schedule allows Lun Lun more time to eat, rest, and recover her milk supply. This means that you have a very important decision to make, and you only have two weeks to do it. This is a huge deal because Cub A has been smaller since birth. Cub B is much more laid-back and can sometimes even be a bit standoffish. But of course, all the work is worth the end result. Once our hands are nice and clean, we then remove the cub form the incubator, hold them in our arms over a trash can, and rub their bellies to help them relax. You may have seen him on PandaCam recently climbing the structure with one of the bowls, throwing it across the room, and running to pick it back up. Hopefully, all will continue to go well here, and we know everyone out there is pulling for these babies. Many of you may know now that the cubs are girls. While Lun Lun is away, the cubs sleep, exercise, and play with each other. When Mei Lun and Mei Huan were just a few weeks old, their slight differences in coat patterns and facial coloration were the easiest way to tell them apart. For right now, they are just spending days at the panda building getting to know us, the Zoo, and of course, Lun Lun. Lun Lun is eating about every three hours and enjoying her biscuits, fruit, and lots of bamboo. Lun Lun is spending more time away from the cubs now that they are older. Wild giant panda mothers would move their infant cubs to different dens frequently to avoid detection from predators. During this time the keepers and vet staff are preparing the building with incubators, blankets, and humidifiers in order to ensure the health and stability of the cub when it is born. To ensure they are getting enough milk from Lun Lun we weigh them when they go in with mom and on their way out. Both cubs have adorable fat bellies and are now over one pound. We can also see some bottom incisors, just below the surface on both cubs, that should be coming out soon. To me they look like they have been growing at lightning speed and have been hitting quite the milestones. This makes it easier to get them to use the bathroom. Cub B still manages to stay in the lead compared to Cub A. Cub B, on the other hand, has less pigmentation along its mouth and nose, and the lower edge of its saddle almost appears to have a divot in it. Eventually she will receive 30 kilograms or more just in the overnight hours. She has returned to sitting on the scale regularly, and I was recently able to shave her forearm in preparation for the vet staff to draw a blood sample. Right now she is usually attending to the cubs separately, but both cubs are receiving equal care and time with mom. Now that the cubs are big enough and old enough for Lun Lun to put them down for a few minutes, the swapping is really quite easy. After now having had seven cubs, she always amazes me with how her motherly instincts go right into effect about taking care of those little cubs. Unfortunately they think cuddling with Mom is much better than laying on a comfy hay bed or even the bare floor. She knows that if she does this she will then get a biscuit. 2 grams. Yesterday, we discovered that Mei Huan looks eerily like her dad from behind. It feels as if we are prepping for a surgery with the way we have to sanitize our hands and arms. Though traditionally thought of as a solitary bear, recent studies suggest giant pandas may be much more social than previously suspected. Stay tuned to find out what other interesting things happen in Panda Land. weight and one p. Cub A and Cub B will be 100 days old in three very short weeks. When looking right at their muzzle, you can see that Cub A (pictured) has full coloration around its mouth, whereas Cub B does not. He immediately dropped the rope, sniffed it as it to see if Dr. Upon opening the door between Lun Lun and both cubs, she was nonchalant and very casual. The most pronounced behavioral changes affect her activity and appetite. Cub B, however, squirmed out of that setup several times the other night and propped up on the bumpers to sleep and slept soundly for several moments at a time. If you are not aware, we have confirmed that Lun Lun is expecting, and birthwatch officially begins Monday, August 22. The cubs turned 50 days old on Sunday and have reached another big milestone. As you can see, these cubs are growing like weeds, and Lun is doing a spectacular job raising them. The most common question we get about the twin panda cubs is how do we do the swaps. Cub A is well known for the rather large patches of white fur on her heels. This is important for Lun as she needs to consume a lot of calories to be able to keep up with and feed her cubs. weight to see how much they have gained in a day. Not to say that they are not still very fragile, but the first 72 hours are very critical for establishing good nursing with Lun Lun. So they start grumbling, and heaven forbid if they are on their back and have to flip themselves over. We use a bowl for Yang Yang in the dayrooms to offer some of his biscuits (he can be particular about picking up the biscuits out of the mulch). They both are already starting to try and stand on all four paws, but still have only mastered the front two. Lun Lun has started to put her cubs down for brief amounts of time. Cleaning one incubator alone can take up to two hours. We are continuing to get regular body temperatures for each girl in addition to stimulating them to eliminate urine and feces. The playpen has three tall walls and one removable window and will take the place of the incubators. Today, during their vet check, the girls received their first set of shots, and they took it like champs, without making a single peep. Lun Lun has been nest-building quite a lot during this pregnancy. We are so grateful that Lun Lun is such an amazing. So this means that Lun Lun has started to leave them for longer and longer periods. Now that they are older, they are starting to be able to regulate their temperatures better. In fact, when I first started working in pandas before the twins were born, all Lun seemed to do was sleep. Though there are many theories, scientists are not certain why giant pandas have their distinctive black-and-white markings. During these times when we have to handle the cubs, we are beginning to see quite sassy little personalities. Cub B has a darker saddle right now than Cub A, which other than weight, is the easiest way to identify the cubs right now. S. Much like humans, and many other mammals, newborns lose weight right after birth and then slowly gain it back. m. For now, Lun Lun is most comfortable keeping them both in the nest box and caring for them when they need her. We clean up urine and feces and sometimes collect samples of those from Lun Lun. The older, and bigger, the cubs get, the more Lun Lun will put them down in order to get a drink of water, urinate, or defecate. And before you know it, they will be learning how to eat bamboo just like the other pandas. At one point, she stopped a couple of feet away from her mom for a quick breather. On top of that, the cubs already seem to have different personalities and preferences. Their tiny claws have gotten longer and sharper in the last week. As you can see her teeth are getting closer and closer to the surface. Recently, the cubs are beginning to notice and interact with items in their environment, and they are realizing their mother is more than just a milk bar. It has black fur on its ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. Long lines require earlier cut-off times to ensure those waiting can enter the panda house before it closes. We received the call that Lun Lun was having contractions early this morning and all rushed to the panda building. Being a giant panda nursery keeper is an immense responsibility, and we stay busy. Once they are done, we clean them up with a cotton ball and return them to the incubator. Cub A is a little more feisty, and Lun Lun tends to wake her up for nursing sessions with gentle play bouts. Which I could say the same, when I go to the doctor. Sometimes she pulls the bamboo on top of herself as she gets comfortable in her nest box. This is used to simulate Lun Lun cradling it and to keep it warm and content. It can take a few days or so to gain that weight back, and we fully expect the cubs to reach (and even surpass) those weights sometime today. For the safety of our visitors, the use of tripods is prohibited. She is regularly napping or eating for an hour or more at a time in the adjacent dens or just outside of the nest box. Before you know, it they will be climbing all over the place, and pestering mom, like every child does. They were both lighter than their siblings at birth. This is my first time as the nursery keeper, so seeing up close how she is with these two is amazing. The next feat is to hold up their heads with their front legs. If you look closely, you now can see that the panda twins are starting to show their coloring. Here at Zoo Atlanta, and specifically in the panda building, we have so much to be thankful for this year. This is very different from Mei Lun and Mei Huan at this age. They are so much bigger and furrier than before. The first cub that we were able to swap out was actually her firstborn (called Cub A for now). I know everyone is very eager to see the cubs on the cam, but just keep in mind what all we have to do before returning them to Lun Lun. We reward her for coming over with biscuits, fruit, and lots of bamboo. Mei Lun was 99. The panda house opens to visitors at 9 a. , on September 3. The keepers have to be very careful around her when cleaning or walking by, because she is more sensitive to noise than normal. Both Cub A and Mei Lun developed the darker pigmentation around their mouths and chins. She got some ornaments and a present filled with biscuits, which she instantly tore through like a kid on Christmas morning to get the goods. After that cub has been weighed and put into an incubator, we give Lun Lun some alone time to eat and do what she pleases. Caring for them is very intensive and time-consuming, for everyone involved. The process for this can take a bit of time, especially if the cub has a full bladder. You may ask why there is a need for us to stimulate them to go to the bathroom before returning them to Lun. As each keeper returns from our days off, we are all awestruck at how different the cubs look after just two days away. They are so much more active now and can be seen working their legs, scooting and trying to stand frequently. It is time for the cubs to graduate from their incubators to the playpen box that we used when their older sisters were this age. Since we are on the brink of having some mini pandas on our hands, I wanted to take a second and share a timeline of the big developmental milestones we will see over the next month and when we expect to see each one. Although Cub A has passed Cub B a couple of times, Cub B still seems to stay in first place when gaining weight, but only by a few grams. Cub A and Mei Lun were developmentally a day or two behind their sibling for the first few weeks, which is completely normal but is still interesting. Lun Lun is an excellent and highly experienced mother and knows exactly what her cubs need and when they need her. It is very important that she eats and drinks enough to continue to supply both cubs with her milk. 0 as I like to call them). This is my fourth time serving as a nursery keeper for Lun Lun, and I am always amazed at how delicately she is able to manipulate the cubs with her mouth and paws, which are incredibly strong. As we all know, there are never any guarantees that giant pandas will give birth, even after we have seen cubs on ultrasound, because they can sometimes reabsorb a fetus. A week ago, Lun Lun was only getting up to eat when it was time to swap the cubs, but now, she is up every couple of hours for a snack of bamboo, biscuits, and produce. In order to prep diets for the other pandas, we set up a makeshift kitchen in the back of the building. These movements help their muscles to strengthen so that they will eventually be able to scoot, crawl, and then walk. Our new little family is continuing to do well. If the pandas are not on view, they may be spending time in an enclosure behind-the-scenes. Mei Lun has a wider muzzle and a disheveled appearance like her dad. In 2013, we waited until both Mei Lun and Mei Huan were walking before putting them in with Lun Lun at the same time, but this year we thought they were ready a bit earlier. We have extended the time between swaps to five to seven hours. Cub B only has partial coloration around its mouth. While we have not yet begun a giant panda birthwatch and have not confirmed yet that Lun Lun is pregnant or not pregnant, we have been closely monitoring her for signs of impending pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. Both cubs have been seen wriggling their ears, an indicator that they are starting to be able to hear all of the noises around them. Take a look at the ears, eyes, and front shoulders, and you can see where the coloring is starting to show. Both cubs are beginning to try to swat the thermometer away when we put it under their little arms. Anyway, everyone here is doing awesome, and the cubs are still growing like super-fast weeds. They are gaining weight like champs, and their black markings around their noses and mouths are proving to be great identifiers. When Lun got up to eat, Cub B took the opportunity to explore the end of the hallway. One thing that is so amusing to me is their sleeping positions. Our first priority is the health and well-being of Lun Lun and her cubs. This behavior is a normal progression for Lun Lun as the cubs grow. They are both also starting to show more of their personalities as well. Even though they are super-cute, they still have sharp little needle-like nails. Lun Lun is never too far away and can always hear the cubs if they vocalize. Flash photography and video with handheld devices are permitted inside the panda house. Since giant pandas are used to colder air temperatures, mother giant pandas will exhale, or pant, on the cub to circulate the warm air around them. Different categories for the enrichment types include Environmental, Food, Sensory, Manipulative and Social. They are scooting around in the nest box and playpen until they find just the right spot for sleeping. Lun Lun walked past them a few times looking at them and listening to their vocalizations, but with the ease and calm of an experienced and comfortable mother. Finally, we walk to the camera room and read the weight on the scale, before Lun finishes her biscuits and gets off the scale. She nursed her cub, and then they took a nice nap. As Heather mentioned in a previous post, Lun Lun is an excellent mother. In the nursery, the easiest way to identify the cubs is by their weights. At this point, we are looking for positive weight gain, normal feces and urination when cubs are stimulated to go, and that Lun Lun is feeling good, producing a good milk supply, and is starting to eat and drink well. Because we had seen two cubs on ultrasound, we anxiously awaited the birth of a second. For instance, Lun Lun spends a majority of the day, and at times all day, sleeping, only to get up when she either wants to change positions or get more bamboo for her nest. So I came back from my weekend, and I am amazed in just that short amount of time how much these cubs have grown. We are thankful for all of the great staff that work so hard to take care of all of the animals and make our 24 hour nursery shifts possible. This means that Lun can hear them much easier when they are in the nursery near swap time. Physical Description The giant panda, a black-and-white bear, has a body typical of bears. Once the cub that just left Lun Lun is settled into the incubator, the cub that has been in the other incubator is returned to Lun Lun. We get a lot of questions about whether Lun Lun knows she has two cubs and how we distinguish the cubs from one another. Then we have to do it for the other cub too. The cubs are able to stay warm without Lun Lun now that they have a full coat of fur. Cub One arrived at 7:20 a. Giant panda moms spend most of their time cradling their cub and keeping it warm during its first month of life. Well, that other 5 percent is mostly made up of the produce and leafeater biscuits they receive as supplemental nutrition. Can you believe they are already over 70 days old. Lun Lun, like always, is such an awesome mom. I was able to see sneak peeks with Po and the Meis when they were older, but to see how she handles something so small and delicate is incredible. On Sunday afternoon, Cub B had a grand adventure. As I said, we nursery keepers have an extraordinary responsibility and we work very hard to keep Lun Lun and her cubs healthy. Lun Lun is an experienced mother and knows when the cubs need to be tended to and when she can have some alone time. Now that the cubs are older, they can go longer periods between nursing bouts.

At times he is a drama king and other times he is a model panda. The lower edges of its saddle are fairly smooth. Because Lun Lun keeps the cubs so close and covered, it can be difficult to see them on PandaCam. Mei Lun and Mei Huan were battling it out on the top of the structure in Dayroom One to see which panda could hold onto the top spot the longest. Currently, Lun Lun is still uncomfortable leaving the cubs for extended periods, so we continue to feed her to encourage her to eat and drink enough each shift. We will continue sending urine samples for analysis and performing ultrasounds until we know whether Lun Lun is pregnant or not. With only two groups of pandas, and those pandas wanting to only eat the leaves off the bamboo, routine has been pretty easy. Despite being so fragile, the cubs definitely let you know when they are ready for the next meal, and Cub A was no different, starting to get restless after about two hours in the incubator. For Cub A and Cub B, I have already noticed some differences between the two of them. You have probably noticed that Lun is allowing more visibility of the cubs now that they are becoming more hairy. , followed by Cub Two at 8:07 a. During her first three pregnancies, Lun Lun did not nest-build at all. Right now the swaps are about every four hours, but we are always keeping an eye out for when Lun Lun is hungry and an ear out for when the cubs start letting everyone know that they are hungry too. Because giant panda cubs get cold so easily, we closely monitor the temperature and humidity inside the incubators and the body temperature of each cub. So to answer your next burning question, when will Lun Lun be able to care for both cubs at the same time. m. They have tended to hit developmental milestones first (at least so far for Cub B). The cubs are continuing to gain weight and reach their developmental milestones. Let me tell you, they will let you know when they are hungry. Because we take so many notes during the first few months after panda cubs are born, we can confidently say that developmentally, these two are right on track with their sisters for this age. Mei Lun and Mei Huan still have some growing to do. m. We are able to control the temperature and humidity to within one-tenth of a degree (%), which is very important for these babies. For Lun Lun, that means everything from feeding her and cleaning her dens, to monitoring her for appropriate maternal care of the cubs, or noting any behavioral or physical changes. The cubs have both surpassed their birth weights. We continue to play the sit and wait game with Lun Lun. The cubs are continuing to develop big personalities, and one of my favorite parts of that is watching how Lun Lun interacts with each cub. Cub A tends to be the more sleepy panda, and Cub B likes to be the feisty one. Then after the egg has been fertilized the gestation process can range between 97-163 days. First of all, can you handle the cuteness. Only with culms under a half an inch in diameter. Monday was the much anticipated naming ceremony, and Tuesday was another big milestone: Lun Lun had both of her cubs with her at the same time. Cub A is still quite pink and has a lot of dark coloring around its mouth. Depending on the time and the weather, the giant pandas have a choice to be outside or inside the panda house. Next, we make sure that we have bamboo available for Lun Lun once she is done eating the biscuits. As we expected, the panda cubs have both lost a little weight since birth. to 6 p. The first 12 hours proved to be successful, and we look forward to watching more play, snuggling, and quality panda time together in the months to come as Ya Lun and Xi Lun grow and develop together. Since they have mastered scooting, they have decided to skip crawling and go straight to walking. During the swap, each cub is weighed, checked to make sure it appears hydrated and pink, and checked to see if it has to go to the bathroom. Native to central China, giant pandas have come to symbolize vulnerable species. But have you ever wondered how we weigh the adult pandas. Maybe for us to be as cool as they are, we need to constantly be having our tongues sticking out as well. In contrast, Mei Huan was 145. It looks like she has a little bit longer to go. Once the cubs are mobile, they will not let her choose to care for them separately and will be a bit more demanding of her attention. It has been a week since I have seen these little twins, and I am always impressed with how quickly they are growing and getting their nice black coloring. In the last week, much of the play that we have seen has been between Lun Lun and Cub A. m. He can be a social butterfly or only want to focus on food. As we wait for a potential birth, there are a variety of behaviors that can be observed during this time. Like all moms and caregivers know, part of taking care of little ones is also finding time to take care of yourself. The cubs and Lun Lun continue to do well. So today, Jen W. At this point, the cubs are growing and changing constantly. Most of what we are doing in that time that the camera is changed is swapping the cubs out, feeding Lun Lun, and stimulating the cubs to go to the bathroom, weighing them, and taking their temperatures. Sam took reins of the rope, Yang continued to play for a second or two before he realized he was playing with a veterinarian. Sometimes it can look concerning as she is panting with her head down, but this is all to help care for her tiny cubs. Every day now it seems like they are changing, even in the most minute way. Lun Lun is sleeping a lot more and is less interested in bamboo and her leafeater biscuits and produce. Cub B is very efficient, while Cub A takes a little longer to get comfortable before meals. Lun Lun initiates play from the cubs by nibbling and nuzzling them gently. At this stage, the cubs are still nursing every two to three hours. One a. They are beginning to show a bit more personality and interaction both with Lun Lun and with us. Lun Lun is often more sleepy at night, too, but she still cares for her cubs just as diligently. The cubs continue to stretch, scratch, and squirm to strengthen their muscles. Remember those temporary identifiers that I mentioned last week. She quietly scooted around and around and checked out the entire area. m. The cubs typically only nurse once for 20-30 minutes during their time with Lun Lun. Another thing that amazes me is the set of pipes those little cubs have. Ever since these charismatic bears arrived at the Zoo in 1972, animal care staff and scientists have studied giant panda biology, behavior, breeding, reproduction, and disease. This can be a very dangerous time for the newborn cub, because the mom is so focused on taking care of the newest arrival that she can inadvertently roll on or sit on the firstborn. It seemed like Lun was challenging Cub B to come to her. Cub B is getting fuzzier each day and the pink skin is fading under the white fur. We breathe a little easier after the first 72 hours. It took some assistance on our part hand feeding her small sprigs of bamboo and leafeater biscuits every couple of hours. We will continue to remove the cubs for weight checks twice a day, and they are receiving some supplemental formula. The cubs have a nice layer of fur now, so she is more comfortable leaving them in the nest box for short periods of time. The cubs respond with paw swatting, kicking, rolling, and mouthing. It has finally surpassed its littermate and is heavier than Cub B. Cub B always cracks me up every time I come in for a shift. Just like human babies, if the cubs are hungry or need something, they will cry and Lun Lun is very responsive. We even strung up some lights outside her dens so it really felt like the holidays throughout the night. Even the newest twins have been just quietly making it through their day, eating and sleeping, and eating and sleeping. They continue to grow and develop every day. Pretty much every day lately, he has had a significant play bout, usually with his biscuit bowl. I enjoy watching the pandas methodically consume bamboo. Mei Huan is a spitting image of her mom with perfectly round, fluffy cheeks. Lun Lun received some festive enrichment to help get her in the holiday spirit. Yang Yang continues to be in a playful mood. Lun Lun instinctively knows which cub she nursed or stimulated last, and thus that the other cub needs that attention next. I always forget how much time flies with the cubs and how fast they change. These behaviors are great indicators that her hormones are changing, but we may not know anything for sure for at least a few more weeks. We are so thankful for happy, healthy panda twins and a great momma bear who is so good at her role. The image of Lun Lun and the cubs on PandaCam is the image we use to monitor Lun Lun so that we do not disturb her when she is caring for the cubs. Lun Lun has done this with all of her previous cubs and the behavior is normal and expected. This is 100% normal and is very similar to weight loss seen in human newborns. Now, she is beginning to eat more bamboo on her own and needs less encouragement from us. Both Ya Lun and Xi Lun can scoot around quite successfully, and Lun Lun has been very responsive to their vocalizations. This is also normal as the cubs begin to develop their panda pigmentation. I am so proud to be part of the such a dedicated team. It is quiet and mostly involves offering her a biscuit between bites of bamboo and ensuring she gets an adequate amount of bamboo. We are swapping the cubs every two hours to make sure that they each get enough mom time, but if one seems hungry before the two-hour mark and we have confirmed that the other cub has nursed (determined by very close observations done by our nursery keepers), we may swap a little sooner also. I was a nursery keeper when we had our first set of twins, and am happy to be able to spend some time as a nursery keeper with the new twins (v2. In addition to entertainment for the cubs, play behaviors build muscles and synapses, and prepare the cubs for future social interactions with other pandas. As they swiftly approach their 100-day milestone, both cubs are working diligently on their mobility. You all are such a valuable part of our conservation mission. We also do this twice a day, for both adults. Lun Lun is a supermom, and she has done an incredible job taking care of these cubs so far. This is to mimic the conditions of being held so snugly by Lun Lun. She also knows she needs to eat a lot in order to produce enough milk. Time is flying for our panda cubs this week. This will even out as the cubs get bigger, but it will be a big help over the next few months. She has started showing some slight changes in behavior over the last couple of days that indicate that we may be moving toward the end of this reproductive cycle. It is getting more difficult to weigh them because they wiggle so much on the scale. We launder the incubator bedding, keeper uniforms, scrubs, towels, and sheets used in the nursery. Cub A likes to eventually sleep on its side all nestled under the blankets, which is too cute for words, and Cub B likes to sleep outside the blankets and elevated. This is what makes cub swapping such a valuable and useful technique. Pandas cannot retract their claws, but when Lun Lun is moving the cubs with her paws, she pulls her claws back away from the cub to avoid harming it. As the girls grew, our periodic haircuts became a thing of the past. It is interesting that Lun Lun has honed her nest-building skills when she is pregnant with twins, but I do not have an explanation for her behavior. We have officially entered Day 2, and the cubs are doing well. So, to change things up, we randomly house someone in an off-habitat area overnight for a change of scenery, and so they get a little extra attention when the nursery keepers pass by on their quest for fresh bamboo for Lun. As far as these lovely ladies, they are continuing to grow and develop well. Cub A (pictured here) is still a little smaller than Cub B, but catching up fast. The cubs are growing so quickly under her care. Female pandas go through a delayed implantation, meaning that even after the male and female mate, it can still take a couple months before the egg has been fertilized. 3 grams, and Cub B was 132 grams at birth. Cub A has black pigment around its face and along its chin. And of course, only when presented just the right way. When I find those special few minutes, I like to spend it watching the pandas eat. The building has been extra quiet with two fewer pandas. These preferences are similar to how they prefer to sleep with Lun. Cub A (pictured) has hit a huge milestone. Many people wonder how the panda cubs are able to find where they are supposed to nurse under all that fur. She may have pulled the odd piece of bamboo into her nest box, but she left the pieces whole. Lun is so busy caring for one cub (and resting when she can), that if we gave her the second cub, she likely could not provide adequate and equal care to both cubs. 1 grams, and Cub A was 109. That means that she is preferring to eat the stalk rather than the leaves. Eyes are not fully open until 72-76 days. Lun Lun decided that she wanted Cub B to hang out in the hallway part of Den 1 for a few hours. She promptly sat up, found her discarded bamboo, and ate it eagerly. m. They could erupt anywhere between now and about 120 days. However, we have also seen Lun Lun holding and playing with both cubs together. Check out these activities to enhance the experience. During feedings we also offer some of her biscuits and produce, all of which she loves. Play rarely involves vocalizations unless somebody bites too hard. While we have a cub with us in the nursery, we take the opportunity to examine it for any obvious problems, weigh it, and we keep it very warm and moist (by keeping the humidity and temperatures in the incubator high), and it is snuggled under warm, soft blankets. They now have a lot more hair and are gaining weight steadily. Happy Thanksgiving (a little late) from the nursery. Early arrival is recommended to avoid large crowds and long lines. It is always sleeping, laying or doing something that is funny. The darkening of fur in these areas will follow. This week Lun Lun has become more active and is eating well. They are also quite the yawners and smackers right now. Day 6-10: Skin on eyes, ears, arms, legs and saddle begin to darken. The other night, Cub B decided to sleep with its tongue sticking out. The only other difference that I see is that Cub B is more hairy than Cub A. You can also see how sharp her claws are. To add to the many things that make A stand out on her own, I noticed another cute quirk today. This is because every day we provide different kinds of enrichment to our giant pandas and our red panda. Days in the panda building are always busy. Once they are nice and relaxed, we then rub with two fingers in a downward pattern on the inside of their leg and hip. Lun continues to be a great mom and is participating excellently in the care of the twins. Before we know it they will look like full-on pandas. Because the cubs need such intensive care during the first several months of life, we will wait to give Lun this opportunity until we are confident that both cubs can walk and nurse from Lun with minimal assistance on her part. Sometimes she will try to get biscuits and produce without eating her bamboo. Everyone here celebrated the holidays this past weekend and the pandas were no exception. In other news, if you were fortunate to tune to PandaCam this afternoon, you may have gotten a peek at Mei Lun and Mei Huan playing inside the tire swing in Dayroom 2. With her jaws and her claws, she made quick work of the ice and was able to get the prize out. We found new ways to identify Mei Lun and Mei Huan. He likes when he can carry things in his mouth and still run around, and the bowls are perfect. Lately, those bowls have been his favorite toys. Taking care of these little girls is a big team effort for our entire department, not just the panda staff. The process in which we do this is: We wash our hands with soap and water, then before we touch the cub or the incubator we sanitize our hands and arms with isopropyl alcohol, and then we have to wait until our hands are dry before we pull the cub out of the incubator. Enrichment is a way for keepers to provide activities for animals to do in order to stimulate a more natural behavior through the senses. We are still monitoring them 24 hours a day. She continues to nest-build as she is trying to get her nest area just the way she likes. Lun Lun, Ya Lun and Xi Lun are all doing well together. The pandas typically have outdoor access until early afternoon. They cannot regulate their own body temperatures, and they lack the motor development and muscle strength to walk or even be able to scoot in a coordinated manner. Many guests wonder what it is that we do during a cub swap. Lun is currently consuming around eight kilograms of bamboo overnight, which is about half of the normal amount we offer her when she is not caring for cubs. Day 25: Cubs will be fully-furred and have all the distinctive giant panda markings. She also knows she needs to eat and rest as much as she can so that she has enough milk and strength to care for both cubs. As Lun moves toward the end of a pregnancy or pseudopregnancy, we will see a decrease in both appetite and activity. She is quick to return to them when they start to vocalize for her, and care staff is always present and watching for any signs of concern. He may be the pickiest eater at times, but his antics and personality more than make up for it. As usual, she is such a great panda mom that she picked the cub up right away and started taking care of it. During this critical stage, we are able to give Lun the opportunity to give both cubs the attention and care that they need to grow and develop. At that point, Mei Lun graciously allowed us to shave a small patch of fur along her saddle to help us with identification. Animal behavior, weather, and other factors may affect viewing. As few as 1,864 giant pandas live in their native habitat, while another 300 pandas live in zoos and breeding centers around the world. While Lun Lun is busy with her twins and eating for all three of them, she is still a typical panda and being picky about her bamboo. Pandas will not take care of their own needs very well during this neonatal stage, so we help her out and she has been doing very well. Is your class or group planning a trip to the Zoo. Lun Lun is also willingly participating in training sessions. For everyone who reads our updates, follows the bears on PandaCam, donates to the Zoo and comes and visits in person. Our friends in Chengdu have given us seven very special sets of names for us to choose from. As they gain weight and their fur grows in, they become better and better at regulating their body temperature. This was a great picture of her yawning during a weight check. We are so excited and will continue to keep you updated. Cub B and Mei Huan had much less black pigmentation around their mouths. Lun is beginning to leave the cubs for up to 20 minutes every couple of hours to eat bamboo. We stimulate a cub when it is pulled from Lun and when it is returned to Lun.

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the red pandas diet
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